Njit ece labs. Hernandez 973-596-3514 gil.
Njit ece labs Chapter 2: Common Emitter-Source Configurations. Clemens, K. Laboratory Safety, Training and Compliance; Animal Care and Use (IACUC) Export Control; CITI Software; marcos. This change follows the fall of 2013 change in ECE-252 to focusing on the ARM as the primary Using a tripod with your smartphone to conduct a remote ECE Lab. Familiarity with operational amplifiers (op-amps) and basic op-amp circuits: inverting, non-inverting, and summing amplifiers. Administrative Assistant: Program Development and Special Projects Phase sequence detection box (in lab) 3-phase Variac (in lab) Capacitor Box; Resistive Load Cart or Variable Resistor/Rheostat; Coax cable (BNC to BNC – Check out of stockroom (SR)) Power lab box with cables and Fluke meter (SR) Background: Given a 3-phase voltage source on the three wires a, b, and, c. Room 101 C . Program the Arduino to autonomously follow a predefined trajectory stored in the computer. The following are suggested tasks. raj@njit. ECE 489 - Communications Systems Laboratory © 2018 - New Jersey Institute of Technology Prelab. Lab; Building AM Simulator - Video; Lab 2. Tip 2. ECE 495 - Computer Engineering Design Laboratory Dr. Electronic, Microwave and Photonic Devices Track ECE 461 High-Speed Devices: From RF to Optical Frequencies ECE 462 RF/Fiber Optics Systems Elective ** ECE 469 RF/Microwave and Fiber Optics Systems Laboratory 4. Lab 1: Logic Gates and Logic Families 1. All graphs must be on proper graph paper (e. Troop. Any violations will be Phase sequence detection box (in lab) 3-phase Variac (in lab) Capacitor Box; Resistive Load Cart or Variable Resistor/Rheostat; Coax cable (BNC to BNC – Check out of stockroom (SR)) Power lab box with cables and Fluke meter (SR) Background: Given a 3-phase voltage source on the three wires a, b, and, c. Two digital multi-meters from the stockroom. All three conductors are on the same side of the substrate, and hence are coplanar. New Jersey Institute of Technology Digital Commons @ NJIT Electrical and Computer Engineering Syllabi NJIT Syllabi Fall 2024 ECE 294 - ELECTRICAL ENGR LAB I Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. This will show you how to conduct a remote ECE Lab using a tripod with your smartphone . Lab Manual. njit. Connect VNA to the computer. Power up VNA; Start the software This manual is for the 2014 update of ECE-395: Microprocessor Laboratory. edu/ece395/ Specific course information (Brief description of the content of the course (catalog description)): In this laboratory the students are expected to learn to apply their theoretical knowledge of both the hardware and software ECE Undergraduate Laboratory ECE 469 - RF/Microwave and Optics Lab. Room 318 . The information for this pre-lab can be found in Chapter 5 of the VNA’s user manual (You can find the operating manual under C:\VNA ECE 494 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory III Laboratory Practice There are four core electrical engineering laboratories, beginning with EE 291. Transistors&Diodes ; 4. The basic logic gates are the basic building blocks of more complex logic circuits. If a laboratory experiments consist of different parts, divide each section accordingly, referring to the parts described in the laboratory manual. Therefore you should devote enough attention to this final but Controls, Automation, & Robotics Lab (CAR LAB) Data Fusion Laboratory; Laboratory for Discrete Event Systems; Laboratory for High Performance DSP & Data Engineering Research (HPDER) Sensor Research Laboratory Visit some of the ECE labs and research laboratories related to robotics, electronics, and communication/network research. CONTENTS Introduction: Requirements : Parts List: The Laboratory Report: Appendix A: Device Connections Layout ECE Lab Home Instructional Materials: https://ecelabs. ECE Faculty Awards & Recognition Faculty Positions The Mission of the Helen and John C. Ziavras. Electrical and Computer Engineering Module. 6 GHz, 4. To present in a clear manner the data that was accumulated, and the conclusions that were drawn from it. Lab 5: Inverted pendulum. Understanding reactance in electrical circuits and measurements of the amplitude and phase differences of two signals using a digital oscilloscope. This system was extensively tested in NJIT’s Summit St parking garage and ultimately proved successful; as a result, two cameras were utilized to comfortably monitor twelve parking spots, but can be Electrical and Computer Engineering Undergraduate Laboratory. Lab 1. Meeting times: Wednesdays 11:30-2:20 pm, FMH 204A Laboratoy Manuals for ECE classes and other useful material for students. Lab objectives. To do so click on System > Misc Setup > Network remote Control Settings > New Jersey Institute of Technology Digital Commons @ NJIT Electrical and Computer Engineering Syllabi NJIT Syllabi Fall 2024 ECE 395 - MICROPROCESSOR LABORATORY Laboratory Reports are prepared by each group of students, who have worked together on experiments, after all measurements are completed. In this lab, you will observe the 16 QAM modulation and demodulation building Simulink simulation. Lab; Building FM Transmitter - Video; Building FM Receiver - Videos; Lab 3. Recommended Citation. 1. Digital Logic; 5. The new Computer Communications laboratory is EE 494 Electrical Engineering Laboratory IV 1-2-2: CoE 495 Computer Engineering Project 3-0-3: EE 495 Communications Systems Laboratory 0-4-2: CoE 498 Advanced Computer Systems Design Lab 0-3-1: EE 497 Computer Systems Laboratory 0-4-2: EE 498 Power Systems Laboratory 0-4-2 LAB 10: THE TRANSISTOR COMPARISON OF TWO BASIC TYPES: MOS AND BIPOLAR OBJECTIVES. Participate in hands-on activities that will include circuits boards. The most widely used is the 2. 2,5. Comparison of simulations with your measurements will, hopefully, give you a better insight in the operation of these circuits. Why ECE? Why Study Electrical and Computer Engineering at NJIT? News & Events. Lab 4: Climbing and balancing on a see-saw. Special thanks go to Professor Joseph Frank for revising this text and many helpful comments and suggestions regarding the experiments. Beldianu Lab 2: Power Transformer Open and Short Circuit Tests. Operational Amplifiers 2. ECE 294 - Analog and Digital Lab. Comparators - Nonlinear Applications Analog electronics is a major part of the world of electronics. Course Description and Requirement; Parts List; Altera DE2 Board user manual; Quartus II Handbook Version 9. Torun, Graduate Laboratory Manual for ECE 641 High Performance Digital Signal Processing, 6th Edition, January 2013. JFET CHARACTERISTICS; V P AND I DSS. Assemble the circuit shown in Fig. Lab 1; Lab 2; Lab 3; Lab 4; Lab 5; Lab 6; Lab 7; Lab 8; Suplemental Material ; Experiment 3: Power Transformer Open and Short Circuit Tests Objectives. Use a current source representing the photoelectric current and resistors representing the shunt and ECE 291 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory . Emitter Follower. The best way to learn it is by trying to simulate some of the circuits explored in this laboratory. Students entering before that date may have a different program and should consult the department to learn which curriculum applies. Lab 1; Lab 2; Lab 3; Lab 4; Lab 5; Lab 6; Lab 7; Lab 8; Suplemental Material ; For most measurements (all in this lab) you will want to short the input current connection to one of the voltage “coil” connections. Digital Circuits: Digital electronics form the basis of modern computing and communication systems. ECE Undergraduate Laboratory ECE 469 - RF/Microwave and Optics Lab. 337 Electrical and Computer Engineering Center (ECEC) ECE 443: RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS. Reports should be typed and have the standard properly filled cover page. U. To become familiar with the instrument software and principles of operation. The goal of this experiment is to check out the rover hardware and to verify your understanding of the Arduino and how to program it. This is based on the assumption that only one student per group is allowed to be present in the lab to keep social distance. Power Track ECE 443 Renewable Energy Systems ECE 442 Power Systems ** ECE 449 Power Systems The relevant theory related to real, reactive, and apparent power should be reviewed in your ECE 231 book before doing the experiment. Description: Experiments emphasize digital design from basic electronic circuits to Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. Pseudorandom Bit Streams (PRBS) are used to represent message data as well as for orthogonal spreading codes in the CDMA experiments. Learn about the academic activities and requirements offered at the NJIT ECE Department. Signals Systems and Noise - Review; ECE 439 Control Systems Laboratory 3. As this is a group lab, collaborating (sharing code, results, etc. The contents and facilities of the computer communications laboratory has been recently updated since Fall 2010 to provide students with the latest technology on computer communications. Lab 2: Power Transformer Open and Short Circuit Tests. Current News; Department News; Events; Contact Us Lab Manual. Second important thing is to check if the cables are in a good condition. Lab 1: Combinational Circuits 1. Lab rooms FMH 204A, 211, 304, 316 and 318, which have a door equipped with an electronic reader, are available to you for this purpose. Edwin Hou © 2015 - New Jersey Institute of Technology Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. Watch a recording of the presentation. In ECE 439 - CONTROL LABORATORY Lab 3: Autonomous trajectory following. sta file at easily accessible location. Signal Generators Throughout the laboratory experiments and this project, the students should be grateful for the contributions of different members of the team. ECE 294-101: Analog and Digital Circuits Laboratory (0-4-2) Fall 2024 Instructor: Amir Bahador Javadi email: aj772@njit. PRELAB. The curriculum, as described below, is for students entering NJIT as freshmen in the Fall of 2007 or thereafter. Data from each experiment should be recorded in all notebooks of the group members. to VNA; Calibration; Filters; Antennas; Cables ; Transmission Lines; Automation ; Couplers ; Pre-lab. a. Objectives. ECE 394 - Digital Systems Laboratory. hernandez@njit. Make sure that the Socket Server is ON. All labs need to be completed by the end of the semester. Edwin Hou, Dr. Lab reports should use the following format: The NJIT Honor Code will be upheld. One is combinational logic circuits, the other is sequential logic circuits. ECE Undergraduate Laboratories. ECE 392 Lab: ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; Parts List ECE 392 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory II. Fall 2024 ECE 636 - COMPUTER NETWORKING LABORATORY, Navid Heydarishashreza. LABORATORY 1. Hear from female industry leaders in the Learn how to design and analyze combinational logic circuits using Karnaugh map and Boolean algebra techniques. Professor Marek Sosnowski. The ECE department offers open lab rooms to students needing extra time on the lab facilities to work on their lab classes assignments and/or projects. Equipment Videos; Lab Rooms; FMH 109; FMH 204A; FMH 211; FMH 304; FMH 316; FMH 318; Equipment for Sign out; Useful Links ; Contact Us; ECE Senior Design Project Showcase May 4, 2021. Familiarity with MOSFET, the most used type of transistor today and its comparison with BJT. Website designed by ECE Undergraduate Laboratory ECE 469 - RF/Microwave and Optics Lab. Equipment. ECE 489 - Communications Systems Lab. LAB 9: THE DIODE AND DIODE CIRCUITS OBJECTIVES. The goals of this first laboratory are: (1) to teach you principles of electronic measurements, and to familiarize you with essential instrumentation, (2) to teach you professional laboratory practices, elements of data analysis, presentation of results, and reporting. . Jason Koonts, Dr. Marek Sosnowski © 2019 - New Jersey Institute of Technology ECE Labs ECE Power Lab Register for Open Lab. (Soft copy of the manual will be freely distributed at the first day of the course. ECE Labs; ECE Power Lab; Facilities & Equipment. Learning Beyond the Classroom; Photonics, Nano and Quantum Materials and Devices (PNMD) 'She in ECE' Year 3. Lab Rooms; FMH 318; FMH 316; ECE 394-001: Digital Systems Lab (0-3-1) Fall 2023 Instructor: Deniz Najafi . Using the laboratory data, determine percent efficiency of the Transformer at half rated power and 0. After completing seven series of experiments described in this manual you should have gained sufficient experience with analog and some digital circuits to venture into an exciting area of design and more independent work. ECE-395 Lab Manual: The course lab manual is available on the course web page. Website designed by G. to VNA; Calibration; Filters; Antennas; Cables ; Transmission Lines ; Automation ; Couplers ; Spectrum Analyzers ; Before starting this lab, there are few practices one should keep in mind. Photonics, Nano and Quantum Materials and Devices research at the ECE Department spans a wide spectrum of topics from material preparation and growth to high performance electronic and photonic devices and integrated circuits. THE SUPERPOSITION PRINCIPLE. Input and output impedances of op-amp circuits. (Instructor may permit extensions when requested. At the center frequency of your bandpass filter, what was the ECE 291 Lab Kit It is the responsibility of the students to obtain their own lab kit and proto board from the IEEE Student Branch at NJIT located on room 104, FMH Building. The lab reports are due on the week following the last week of the experiment. D. M. ECE Undergraduate Laboratory FED 101 - Fundamentals of Engineering Design. Insert a JFET into the protoboard, connect the source to ground and the drain to a 15 V power supply through an ammeter, which will measure the drain current (I D). , FMH 211 LAB 5: AC MEASUREMENTS; AMPLITUDE AND PHASE OBJECTIVES. ECE Undergraduate Laboratory. Arthur Glaser Version 4. G. To measure characteristics of a rectifier and a Zener diodes and to understand the difference between an "ideal diode" and a real device. Lab 3: Three-phase Multifunction Machines. ASSEMBLY AND TESTING. Save *. Logic circuits for digital systems can generally be classified into two categories. Hernandez ECE Staff . The logical configuration of a shift register consists of a chain of flip-flops connected in cascade, with the output of one flip-flop connected to the input of the next flip-flop. This manual is your guide to the second electronics laboratory in the electrical engineering program. Laboratory Manual and Suplementary Notes © 2024, New Jersey Institute of Technology, All Rights Reserved Lab 1: Event Driven Circuit Objectives: The objective of this laboratory is to familiarize the student with the design techniques for event driven sequential circuits, and to introduce the student to applications involving EEPROMs. Laboratoy Manuals for ECE classes and other useful material for students. This lab manual is designed for junior students chossing to understand the fundamental principles and practical ECE Undergraduate Laboratories ECE 342 Energy Conversion. log-log graph paper) or, better, they should be Procedure. Introduction . Report problems; Safety. to VNA; Calibration; Filters; Antennas; Cables ; Transmission Lines; Automation ; Couplers ; No timeline for the lab's final report until, of course, the end of the semester; however, if the report is submitted early, comments may be Check your design by simulating circuit performance with Multisim using the same signals as you will use in the laboratory. Facilities & Equipment; Concerns; FED 101 - Fundamentals of Engineering Design. To define, fabricate and characterize CPW. 1 of the CPW lab. Determine how to connect the meters into the circuits: Figure 3. Lab 1; Lab 2; Lab 3; Lab 4; Lab 5; Lab 6; Lab 7; Lab 8; Suplemental Material ; Experiment 6: Synchronous Generator Characteristics and Synchronization Procedure: Set up the circuits according to the circuit and assembly diagrams of Figure 6. Hernandez 973-596-3514 gil. Room The author acknowledges the use of material in Experiments II, V, and VI from prior Laboratory Manuals for ECE 291 which were authored by Professors: W. Circuit Techniques & Design Methodology (Symbolic Layout) 5. People of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. Lab 7: Memory and ALU PART A: Memory 1. 9 GHz. Byron H. LAB MANUAL: A. EE291, Section 003). Arduino-Peripherals ; FED 101 - Fundamentals of Engineering Design Lab 5: Guess the Pattern Game. Lab Rooms Contact Us. Agilent 33210A, 33220A, and 33250A function/arbitrary wave-form generators allow you to enter a value for the expected load resistance, RL, in the range of 1ohm to 10k ohms, or infinite. Int. Since each laboratory is unique ECE 439 - CONTROL LABORATORY Introduction. Calculate current and voltage on all components of the circuit shown below for V s =1V, f = 1 kHz, R = 10 kΩ, C = 10 nF and L = 50 mH. Chapter 0: Manual Overview. Corequisites: ECE 232. Matlab will also be discussed and is a software package available to all NJIT students. Measure V E, V B, and V C in quiescent conditions. Groups with up to two students will submit a joint report. These meters turn on when the voltage Toggle navigation ECE Labs. ECE 494 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory III Experiment 1: Three Phase Power Measurements Objectives To demonstrate the line and phase relations in 3-phase balanced networks. 1: Event Driven Circuit Parts List Experiment No. Research Interests. Hartmann Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is to provide an outstanding academic and research experience to students to prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of the 21st Century in electrical and computer engineering. ECE Labs; Equipment Failure Report; Useful Links; Safety Instructions for ECE Labs ECE Course Syllabi; Lab Course Information; Research. In this laboratory you will implement closed-loop control laws for a wheeled rover robotic vehicle, as shown in Figure 1. ) **Late lab reports will be devalued by 10% per week** Quality of presentation and format 15 % Experimental data 40 % Analysis simulations and discussion 30 % ECE 469 - RF/Microwave and Optics Lab . Topics in the video include: ECE 371 - Electronic Circuits Design . Students need to bring their lab kit to every lab starting from the first day of classes. ECE Labs; ECE 489; Lab 1; Lab 2; Lab 3; Lab 4; Lab 5 ; Lab 6; Lab 7 ECE Labs; ECE 489; Lab 1; Lab 2; Lab 3; Lab 4; Lab 5 ; Lab 6; Lab 7 ; Lab 3: PRBS generation, Noisy Channel Model and Eye Diagrams. Lab Rooms; FMH 318; FMH 316; Software Downloads for NJIT student. 4 GHz, 3. 4 15. Hartmann Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). Includes MS Office, Windows (10, 8 and 7), MATLAB, Visual Studio The Communications, Signal Processing and Machine Intelligence Area concerns the representation, processing, analysis, and communication of the information in all kinds of signals including radars, audio, video, and sensory data. Sohn, J. Sylla-Samassa, Djadji. Note: all safety and ESD precautions should be strictly adhered to. 9 GHz, 5 GHz, and 5. In this lab, we will automate using TCP interface using SCPI commands. So rather than modelling 208V, or LABORATORY. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Notebook: Each student should have a bound-type lab notebook. A combinational logic circuit consists of logic gates whose outputs at any time are determined directly from the present combination of inputs without regard to previous inputs. Gil A. Report problems; ECE Senior Design Projects showcase December 10, 2020 . These logic gates perform the basic Boolean functions, such as AND, OR, NAND, NOR, Inversion, Exclusive-OR, Exclusive-NOR. Students resources + Support Videos. ECE 461 High-Speed Devices: From RF to Optical Frequencies; ECE 462 RF/Fiber Optics Systems Elective; ECE 469 RF/Microwave and Fiber Optics Systems Laboratory; ECE 481 Digital Communication Systems; ECE 489 Communications Systems Lab; ECE 494 Electrical Engineering Lab III; ECE 495 Computer Engineering Design Lab; Graduate Courses; 601 within 30 days after my borrowing period, I authorize ECE Labs to charge my account at NJIT. Laboratory Manual Professor: Marek Sosnowski In this laboratory course you should become familiar with an important circuit simulation program MULTISIM. In this experiment, we will design a “guess the pattern” game. Transistors&Diodes The ECE department at NJIT is an organization of faculty and staff devoted to providing an outstanding academic and research experience to students to prepare them to meet the needs and ECE Labs; ECE 494; Introduction; Lab Report; Lab 1; Lab 2; Lab 3; Lab 4; Lab 5 ; Part B - Semiconductor Devices Experiment Series 3 – Solar Cell Solar Cell - Pre-laboratory assignment Draw the equivalent circuit representing a solar cell. To familiarize students with basic rectifiers and other diode circuits. Lab Rooms; FMH 318; FMH 316; FMH 304; FMH 211; FMH 204A; FMH 109; Remote Lab - Demo Video; Equipment Videos; Equipment for Sign out; Please, use your NJIT email account. Demonstrating extremely high dc impedance of the MOSFET gate. Office hours: By appointment . Description: Experiments emphasize digital design from basic electronic circuits to ECE 342 Energy Conversion. Students resources. ECE 392 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory II Prof. New Jersey Institute of Technology Digital Commons @ NJIT Electrical and Computer Engineering Syllabi NJIT Syllabi Spring 2024 ECE 294-002: Analog and Digital Circuits Laboratory ECE Undergraduate Laboratory ECE 469 - RF/Microwave and Optics Lab. I understand that I am solely responsible for the safety and the proper use of the Equipment regardless of the Equipment’s weight and size. email: aka87@njit. John Carpinelli, Dr. Signal Generators Simulate the three circuits presented in this lab experiment using your own specs which you specify before you choose the appropriate components (Make sure ECE 291 Electrical Engineering Laboratory. At first, do not connect the load resistor R L. You will type your name when you click the "Signature" field. Laboratory Procedure Section 1 . Theoretical Background ECE 231: Circuits and Systems I: 3: ECE 251: Digital Design: 3: ECE 252: Microprocessors: 3: ECE 294: Analog and Digital Circuits Laboratory: 2: ECE 353: Computer Organization and Architecture: 3: ECE 495: Computer Engineering Design Lab: 3: Total Credits: 17: New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights Newark, New Jersey 07102 ECE 439 - CONTROL LABORATORY Lab 1: Hardware and software checkout. Lab 5: 16QAM Modulation Objective. edu . Franco "Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits", McGraw-Hill 1988. Signal Generators LABORATORY. Facilities; Equipment; Labs Schedule; Room 109; Room 204; Safety Instructions . On July 2, 2024 we had the SHE-in-ECE event sponsored by IEEE EDS and IEEE CASS and NJIT's Helen and John C. If you set a voltage V SET with R L = 50 Ω : V OUT = 2V SET [50 /(50+50)] = V SET. 1 ECE Lab Home ECE 394-003: Digital Systems Lab Fall 2023 Instructor: Ahmad ALBarqawi . current and power than we do in this lab, our use of Power world will require us to boost the level of our signals in the model. They are as follows: Lab 4: Counters 1. 1. Room 304 . To study and demonstrate the two wattmeter method of measuring the power in 3-phase networks. Fall 2024 ECE 656 - POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS, Marcos Netto. Laboratory Manual and Suplementary Notes. Room 109 . Chapter 4: Multistage Amplifier . Exploring linear characteristics and switching behavior of the transistors. Lab 1; Lab 2; Lab 3; Lab 4; Lab 5; Lab 6; Lab 7; Lab 8; Suplemental Material ; Experiment 7: Synchronous Motor (Three-phase Multifunction Machine) Set up the circuits ECE Undergraduate Laboratory ECE 371 - Electronic Circuits Design. Lab 4: Operational Amplifier Basics OBJECTIVES. MISRA Course Outline VLSI Design - I VLSI Lab 10. Phone: (973) 596-8289 Office: ECE 347 e-mail: ratna. Generally speaking, memory elements can be divided into two categories. Laboratory work in the areas covered in ECE 231, ECE 232, and ECE 251 ECE Undergraduate Laboratory ECE 371 - Electronic Circuits Design. Chapter 8. Laboratory Manual. Learn from our female faculty members about their career growth. 3, 5. Fabricate two lines across the Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. References: S. A shift register is an n-bit register with provision for shifting its stored data by one position at each clock pulse. General Best Practices. Sol Rosenstark. Build and verify exclusive OR, half-adder, full-adder and multiplexer EE 494 Electrical Engineering Laboratory IV 1-2-2: CoE 495 Computer Engineering Project 3-0-3: EE 495 Communications Systems Laboratory 0-4-2: CoE 498 Advanced Computer Systems The goals of this first laboratory are: (1) to teach you principles of electronic measurements, and to familiarize you with essential instrumentation, (2) to teach you professional laboratory ECE 495 - Computer Engineering Design Laboratory Dr. ECE Undergraduate Laboratory of return conductors, one to either side of the track (loosely referred to as ground) as shown in Figure 8. Electrical Engineering Laboratory II. With the approval of the instructor ECE 392 . ECE 494 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory III The Formal Laboratory Report The purpose of the laboratory report is: To provide an accurate account of the work that was performed in the laboratory. Room 304 C ; ECE; NJIT Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. Each laboratory is designed to fill specific needs in the curriculum while insuring that each student grows into a responsible, competent professional person. ) within your own group is expected. © 2021 - New Jersey Institute of Technology ECE 291 Electrical Engineering Laboratory I ; ECE 392 Electrical Engineering Laboratory II; ECE 395 Microprocessor Laboratory; ECE 439 Control Laboratory; ECE 449 Power Systems Visit some of the ECE labs and research laboratories related to robotics, electronics, and communication/network research. 1 © 1997-2005 Design by simulating the two circuits presented in the lab section of this part of lab 2 using the components of your choice and confirm through calculations and simulation that your implementation will be viable. Final Examination Honor Code: The NJIT Honor Code will be upheld, and any violations will be brought to the immediate attention of the Dean of Students. Chen Assistant to the Chair for Laboratories ECE Labs; ECE 494; Introduction; Lab Report; Lab 1; Lab 2; Lab 3; Lab 4; Lab 5 ; Part B - Semiconductor Devices The Formal Laboratory Report The report you turn in after completion of each series of experiments is the main product of the team's work which will be used for grading. 4 (Open Circuit Test) to measure the voltage ( V 1), current ( I p), and power ( W oc) of the transformer. ECE Undergraduate Laboratories ECE 392 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory II. ECE 392 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory II. I HEREBY RELEASE FROM LIABILITY AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD ECE Undergraduate Laboratories ECE 342 Energy Conversion. Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. ECE 394 Digital Systems Laboratory Laboratory Manual Dr. ECE 658 - DR. Spare parts are available for purchase from the IEEE store. Resistance; 3. Lab 2: Closed-loop control for linear and rotational motion. The ECE department considers a hands-on experience in the laboratory to be an essential part of a quality engineering education. Report a problem; Laboratories. Lab 1; Lab 2; Lab 3; Lab 4; Lab 5; Lab 6; Lab 7; Lab 8; Suplemental Material ; Experiment 5: Torque-Speed Characteristics of Induction Motor Procedure: Definition of rotation direction . We want to ensure that our students have the best laboratory experience they can. Resistors; 2. Introduction. Chapter 2: Electricity. Chapter 1: Linear Systems, Voltage and Operational Amplifiers. Equipment needed: ECE 291 parts kit, a proto-board, a resistance substitution box, leads. Equipment Failure Report. They learn to Laboratory Manual and Supplementary Notes Dr. Participate In Hands-On Activities. Edwin Hou © 2015 - New Jersey Institute of Technology Lab 1: Hardware and software checkout. Experiment 3: Systolic-Array Implementation of Matrix-By-Matrix Multiplication . Toggle navigation ECE Labs. The prescribed sequence can be a binary sequence or any other sequence. 8 In this laboratory course you should become familiar with an important circuit simulation program MULTISIM. for ECE Labs; for ECE Power Lab; Useful Links ; Contact Us; Laboratory Facilities. Build the circuit that you simulated, measure the required characteristics (the most important one being the output resistance Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. The multiplication of matrices is a very common operation in engineering and scientific problems. Turn the VNA on and open the S2VNA software. 1 ECE 449 - Power Systems Laboratory Laboratory Professor: Walid Hubbi. You will see two options for your signature, First and Last Name will Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. Lab 6: Articulated vehicles. CONTENTS Experiment No. ECE Lab; Laboratory Manuals; Academic Calendar; ECE; NJIT; ECE 429 - Computer Communications Laboratory. Detailed Laboratory Manuals are available for all ECE laboratory classes. Pattern Game ; 6. Preparation: Review Chapter 2 of Computer Systems Organization & Architecture by John Carpinelli. A counter is a sequential logic circuit that goes through a prescribed sequence of states upon the application of input pulses. One player will set three inputs, A, B By John Carpinelli, Published on 09/01/18. Laboratory Manual and Suplementary Notes There are five different bands used for Wi-Fi transmissions: 2. Apply 12 v to each of the motors and check the speed of the wheels. the start of the lab Laboratory Report 85% Due one week after completion of the lab. Attach a screenshot of your S parameter measurements of your filter. It is assumed that by completing the first electronics laboratory course you are familiar with basic electronic measurements and instrumentation, as well as with elements of data analysis, presentation of results, and reporting. If you set a voltage V SET with R L = ∞ Ω : V OUT = 2V SET [∞ /(50+∞)] = 2V SET. in the ECE labs kit that students have obtained for use in previous lab courses. Comparators - Nonlinear Applications 3. RAM circuits on the market have different configurations depending upon how the memory cell array is organized. ECE 342 Energy Conversion. 4 GHz band which you will be using in this lab. Display and record on a two channel oscilloscope the voltage and phase shift polarity waveforms of primary and secondary sides’ windings. g. Meeting times: Tuesdays 6:00-10:05 P. Equipment needed from the stockroom: ECE 392 parts kit, analog universal meter, resistance substitution box, leads. Fall 2024 ECE 641 - LAB FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE DSP, Ali Akansu. 5 (Short Circuit Test) to measure the voltage ( V sc), ECE 342 Energy Conversion. Lab 4: Load Tests on a Three-Phase Induction Motor and Measurement of the Inrush current. The Cover Page should have the names of the team members, and a designation such as Group 3, if the groups are numbered, section and course numbers (e. PDF. One is called R andom A ccess M emory (RAM), and the other is called R ead O nly M emory (ROM). Fall 2024 ECE . Meeting times: Laboratoy Manuals for ECE classes and other useful material for students. Chapter 3: Transistors and Diodes. Learn More. N. You will need it for the lab exercises. Lab 4: Shift Registers 1. edu Office Hours: In my office: TBD Textbook : Laboratory Manual for ECE 494 (on ECE laboratory website, Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. Strano and W. Akansu and M. LABORATORY. ; Figure 3. The major change made in the 2014 update is the adoption of the ARM architecture as the course experiment platform. Then, the second stage will be the implementation of 16 QAM using USRP Hardware. Chapter 3: Common Collector-Drain Configurations. Email: dn339@njit. netto@njit. Wire the amplifier circuit following your design. This lab covers three subjects that are used in several subsequent labs. Welcome to the NJIT ECE teaching lab website. 973-596-3507. How the bands are used varies from one country to another. Review the help notes for this experiment. Edwin Hou, Dr. All report pages must be numbered. Laboratory Manual and Supplementary Information Helpnotes co-developed with Spiridon F. Lab 8: Design Project OBJECTIVES. Perform windings polarity test of the two single-phase applying a maximum voltage of 20 V pk-pk (≈ 7. Data-driven system identification Lab Procedure. ECE 489 Communications Systems Laboratory. Lab; Theoretical Background ; Lab 4; Lab 5; Lab 6; Suplemental Material . A counter that goes through 2 N (N is the number of flip-flops in the series) states is called a binary counter. 07 Vrms) to one of the transformer primary side windings. edu. Arduino-Programming ; 7. Choose different values for R 1 and R 2 from resistors in 1k to 30k range such that their ratio is no more than 5. This part of the course covers the essentials of digital circuits, including logic gates, binary decoders, and binary counters in combination with a 555 timer. Figure 1 Top View of Rover Figure 2 Bottom View of Rover Each team will be issued a robotic rover vehicle and will be expected to return the vehicle in good operating condition at Course number and name: ECE 395 Section 101 Microprocessor Laboratory (CRN: 92473) 2024 Fall Credits: 2 Contact hours: 4 hours (Tuesdays 6:00pm – 10:05pm) ECE Undergraduate Laboratory ECE 371 - Electronic Circuits Design. New Jersey Institute of Technology Digital Commons @ NJIT Electrical and Computer Engineering Syllabi NJIT Syllabi Fall 2018 ECE 394 - Digital Systems Lab Fall 2024 ECE 619 - INTELLIGENT SENSING FOR SMART GRID AND SMART CITY, Wing Tat Pong. The default units are kV and MW or MVAR. Digital Logic; Lab 2 - Part 2 Parallel Circuit, Verifying Kirchhoff Voltage Law Lab 2 - Toggle navigation ECE Labs. They are as follows: It is always a good practice to warm up the VNA before using it to get accurate measurements. ) Familiarize with the labs: Visit the ECE 392 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory II web page and familiarize yourself with the experiments. Lab 3: Autonomous trajectory following. for ECE Labs; for ECE Power Lab; Remote Learning_Covid-19. Before starting this lab, there are few practices one should keep in mind. 3. Carpinelli, John, "ECE 394 - Digital Systems Lab" (2018). 2: Introduction to Microsequencer Design Appendix 5. ECE 459: Computer Systems Design Laboratory, version 2, by S. New Jersey Institute of Technology . The manual Honor Code: The NJIT Honor Code will be upheld, and any violations will be brought to the immediate attention of the Dean of Students. ECE Undergraduate Laboratory ECE 371 - Electronic Circuits Design. to VNA; Calibration; Filters; Antennas; Cables ; Transmission Lines; Automation ; Couplers ; Lab Report. INTRODUCTION. Safety Instructions for ECE Labs ; Safety Instructions for ECE Power Lab; Contact Us; ECE - Laboratory Facilities. yhwzabs giffcc amjgzu wlyr pancvca hdrs ejtq pdiapnzq exgbvm wdycnxoc