Wpf get datatemplate in code. on C# (Desktop WPF W/ .
Wpf get datatemplate in code But as shown in your CodeBehind there is only obj. After putting break point in the Button_Click event, I noticed that I could obtain the Id of ChatListItemViewModel by casting the this. This topic first demonstrates how to define a DataTemplate and then introduces other data templating features, such as the selection of templates based on custom logic and the support for the display of hierarchical data. Nov 14, 2013 · DataTemplates with just DataType mentioned but no x:Key will have an implicit key created for them. Template; var myControl = (MyControl)template. Question: Is there a way to retrieve a DataTemplate's x:Key from a DataTemplate, in C#? Jul 4, 2013 · Well Assuming you use this DataTemplate in the Grid, why don't you just setup your Grid. So I made something like this: I'm trying to access a control which is inside the control template of a datagrid control in code behind. The code will not even compile when put in the code-behind for the ResourceDictionary. I would like to apply a DataTemplate to the cells such that the TextAlignment property is TextAlignm Sep 29, 2014 · When I use the control in a DataTemplate, the value set in the constructor is always used, even if I try to set it in XAML. 2 Access a control from within a DataTemplate with its identifying name Find a WPF element inside Mar 28, 2010 · For that I use a datatemplate inside the toolbox control. Button is data bound to simple class, that's not a problem. . I added a textbox to this DataTemplate and I want to handle the TextChanged event. SelectedItem)); // Getting the ContentPresenter of the row details DataGridDetailsPresenter presenter = FindVisualChild<DataGridDetailsPresenter>(row); // Finding May 8, 2013 · <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:DataBoundMVVMChartViewModel}"> <vw:DataBoundMVVMChart/> </DataTemplate> WPF uses DataTemplates to know how to draw specific types of objects. Is this what will help you in this case? If not, please specify your question. Handle an Event From a ResourceDictionary. xaml code: Sep 11, 2012 · So far so good. OneWay; //get textblock object from factory and set binding FrameworkElementFactory Sep 18, 2008 · For example in a usercontrol for a button you declare it in XAML. the columns are not known at compile-time. Example 1: Defining the DataTemplate in XAML See full list on learn. Like so: //Create binding object and set as mode=oneway Binding binding = new Binding(); binding. You can look at the header property, or you could derive and add your own property to uniquely identify the column. To do this I have a method GetDatatemplate(string fromstring) that Oct 9, 2013 · If not then you will always get a null with the code you have – Brad Cunningham. NET Framework 4. So, essentially to get to your DataTemplate, all you need to do is Create a DataTemplate Key and use it an indexer parameter for your ResourceDictionary. hourvalue. <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MainViewModel}"> <local:MainWindow/> </DataTemplate> First, this statement does not mean "Create a MainWindow and set its DataContext to MainViewModel". Path = new PropertyPath("SomePropertyPathName"); binding. microsoft. Aug 31, 2022 · To see a complete list of Data Template properties, run the sample application and open the “What Controls support the Data Template” demo. Resources with a key like so (in MainWindow. Is there any way I can access thumbBorder inside the code? <Style x:Key="SliderThumbStyle" TargetType="Thumb"> <Setter Property=" Apr 26, 2016 · I spent some time today working on DataTemplateSelectors. 1. Now whatever textBox1 is bound to, even if that binding changes, textBox2 is as well, no code-behind needed. I am very new to WPF, so excuse me if my approach is bad :-) In my XAML, I have defined a ListView control, which is pretty much empty. Can anyone please tell me how can I access it? I added a new ResourceDictionary file and its name is Dictionary1. Oct 20, 2011 · I have the need to create a HierarchicalDataTemplate for a TreeView in code-behind. I would like to pass a reference to the actual DataItem that is being bound. Apr 10, 2010 · You can add a control like a TextBlock using a FrameworkElementFactory. Then you can add the TextBlockto the VisualTree of the DataTemplate. I have created a user control that has a Label and a ComboBox. Dec 21, 2009 · For getting the reference of a control inside a Data Template, handling the event and then using the sender is one of the available option. These data templates establish a connection a view model type and a view type as follows: <views:MyViewType /> Feb 6, 2023 · WPF controls have built-in functionality to support the customization of data presentation. If you want to access any type of Control content e. I see two issues in your code: wpf; or ask your own Jun 6, 2016 · But when I tried to access and start it from the code behind I got an error, because it can't access the grid, which contains the new card image, inside the datatemplate. Resources> <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type System:Object}"> <Grid></Grid> </DataTemplate> </Grid. Then you create load event for those Controls. Only way to get is to loop over Resource keys - WPF: Get DataTemplate element from data context object. Mar 4, 2016 · I need to change the DataTemplate for items in a ListBox depending on whether the item is selected or not (displaying different/more information when selected). I know in XAML I can have something like: <ListBox x:Name="listbox" BorderThickness="0" Margin="6" Heigh Feb 12, 2020 · Hi, I am using <telerik:GridViewDataColumn in which I have a DataTemplate. DataTemplates> May 20, 2015 · Here is answer. The event handling code for the button click is done in the code file behind the control. I am creating each column for it through code behind. Without searching resource dictionaries, I don't think this is possible as x:Key is part of the XAML markup grammar and has no relevance when you have a reference to a Style or DataTemplate or anything you've retrieved. DataTemplates> <DataTemplate DataType="vm:LogFilterItemEditorViewModel"> <views:LogFilterItemEditor /> </DataTemplate> </Window. Jun 16, 2009 · Get early access and see previews of new features. I have a view called DetailPage. ContentProperty, new Binding Jan 7, 2016 · How to access control in DataGridTemplateColumn to get value ? I'm using this code : How to Find a Control that is inside DataTemplate & assign Value in WPF? 2. To make this work, the scope of a template is unique to the page. An alternative approach that doesn't require finding the cell is to: Jul 21, 2017 · Since you already know the type (i. Dec 18, 2013 · And behind the code you have to explicitly have to say apply template in order to get it. I have a DataTemplate that uses a x:Key to identify itself, like so: <DataTemplate x:Key="myTemplate > </DataTemplate> In some other C# code, I have a reference to this DataTemplate, but actually want to retrieve the DataTemplate's x:Key. Remember, the Logical Tree in XAML is how you access things by name. Update: the reason I suggest avoiding this approach wherever possible is because it creates more tightly-coupled, brittle code. The trouble is, because it is part of a DataTemplate, it is not auto-generated as a private member of the class, like it would be if I wasn't using the ContentPresenter + DataTemplate. Here are view models: public class ParentViewModel { public ChildViewModel_A Child_A { get; } = new ChildViewModel_A { IntProperty = 100 }; public ChildViewModel_B Child_B { get; } = new ChildViewModel_B { StringProperty = "Hello, world!" Apr 26, 2017 · The default DataTemplate in a wpf application displays the result of the . (so maybe you cant access it in the code behind because of this) - see vinces blog on the visual layout. You can try to read about some workarounds for example. String itemName = (ItemName in my Jan 9, 2012 · I have a dynamic Datagrid that I have created. <DataGridTemplateColumn x:Name="discountGridText Jul 23, 2012 · Is there a way to get the actual DataItem of a DataTemplate. I can't use the ListBox. Dec 4, 2014 · I've been working with WPF and I have experienced a problem related with DataTemplates. I've created a few from XAML but never done it from the code behind. This article shows how to get or create a DataTemplate in code using few different approaches. The above said, this really isn't the most WPF-friendly way to do what you're after. cs. So, what’s the problem? See the name of the TextBox?It’s TextBox1 over and over and over. FindName("MyControlName", MyList); Apr 23, 2014 · I was wondering if in WPF you are able to get the actual instances of the datatemplate objects. TryFindResource(resourceName) as T; } } Oct 15, 2013 · I am trying to get access to a named TextBox (textBoxAnswer) in the code behind of my WPF Page. XAML: <Grid x:Name="myGrid"> <ContentControl ContentTemplate="{DynamicResource lightGreenRectangle}" /> </Grid> Dec 23, 2011 · I have listbox which binds data to DataTable and now I need to access specific List Item, let's say first 5th one, from source behind code: <ListBox Grid. Granted I'm basing this on the XAML as presented, and you very well may need the binding itself from code for something else, but if not, the above works just fine. Fill=Brushes. Jul 11, 2012 · If you have data grid and template column, which contains data template, you can use the following code sample WPF: How to find control by code behind. How to achieve this? I know that there are other ways of addind data template in code behind 1. I want to do something like . I’d never used them before, but it made me think about all the different ways there are to set the DataContext in WPF. e. e You have a UserControl that binds to a ViewModel, and that ViewModel has BaseViewModel, which expose some sort of properties. The first strategy is saving the path as a static variable somewhere. Then refer the below code. Mar 7, 2014 · I've been experiencing some strange behaviour when referencing StaticResources from inside a DataTemplate defined in a ResourceDictionary. SelectedItem property because the item does not become selected when clicking the button. I'm developing an application where the default DataTemplate should display nothing. In load event you would be access Content of those Controls. I found the code on StackOverflow here public DataTemplate Apr 19, 2015 · WPF: Get DataTemplate element from data context object. ColumnDefinitions accordingly to have width as say "0. a button - I would use Command + Relative binding path etc. Prerequisites May 3, 2021 · I've seen some example of creating DataTemplate with StackPanel and deprecated FrameworkElementFactory. First you define a DataTemplate and then you use the ContentPresenter with the resource key to "expand" the macro. Resources> Note that this depends on the type of key. Then, you can either get its value from a CommandParameter if you use Button's Command, or in code-behind - Aug 4, 2010 · I have a ListBox which binds to a child collection on a ViewModel. I want to access the tree of the DataTemplate itselfs. Items}"/> Mar 19, 2010 · Then create a DataTemplate with its VisualTree set to that factory: DataTemplate dt = new DataTemplate { VisualTree = fef }; Although as Reed notes the FrameworkElementFactory approach is officially deprecated, it is still reasonably widely used, I guess because building XAML strings feels so kludgy. Resources> now wpf knows how to render Usercontrol1viewmodel. Note: I already read the question and answers of 'Applying style to elements inside a DataTemplate', but I would like to use xaml (so without C# code). Figure 4: Partial list of DataTemplate controls. However, sometimes I need to use some of those controls in code behind in order to manipulate them. TryFindResource(dataTemplateKey); That worked! Aug 28, 2011 · Set DataGridCell. Mar 10, 2020 · Actually, you don't need to create any data templates in code-behind in WPF. ContentTemplate to a DataTemplate containing the buttons and other items you desire, -OR- Have your column's DataTemplate include a placeholder panel to hold new buttons, search down the visual tree for this panel by Name, and add your button to it. The work around is to put a default Style to something, anything, in the root Dictionary. public class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase { public ObservableCollection<QuestionViewModel> QuestionViewModels { get; set; } public MainWindowViewModel() { QuestionViewModels = new ObservableCollection<QuestionViewModel> { new GenericQuestionViewModel(), new GeographyQuestionViewModel(), new Nov 6, 2009 · Actually there is a way to customize DataTemplates as they are returned from the TemplateSelector by wrapping them inside a FrameworkElementFactory, but it is much too complex for your needs. Jan 20, 2013 · all you have to do now is to go the viewmodel first approach and the use of datatemplates. ( I am using the above mentioned dataTemplate as my ItemTemplate for a ListBox) So how to update the changes to the ListBox ? – Aug 28, 2017 · A Framework Element in WPF contains a FindResource method, which searches the application scope for a resource by key. Code Jul 11, 2012 · You can't access controls that are part of a DataTemplate with their name. FindName("dataGridFromDataTemplate", ContentControl) as DataGrid; Oct 31, 2012 · Edit: Yes, this definitely should work. it will show the xaml code in the blend and you can get the file name and location from that file. xaml and this view uses a DataTemplate called Detail. I use it in a DataTemplate for my ListBox: <l:MyUserControl DataContext="Test" /> Now I want to access this DataContext in the code-behind of MyUserControl, and I expect DataContext to contain a string object with contents "Test". Apr 26, 2014 · Conditional XAML DataTemplate. Jun 29, 2010 · Then in code you don't have to recreate a full DataTemplate. cs files). For instance, you only get to set one DataTemplate on an items control, and while that made sense, it felt limiting. cs): public Aug 4, 2015 · My View has a collection of UserControls (defined in ItemsControl's ItemTemplate), and I want to get references to them. How should I do that? Xaml: Apr 15, 2014 · I'm trying to create an ItemTemplate for a ListBox programmatically but it doesn't work. ApplyTemplate(); var dataGrid = ContentControl. Jul 14, 2010 · For the above example, if I get the DataTemplate by FindResource("Test_DataTemplate"), is it then possible to access the tree, to get for instance the TextBlock-control. In this Datatemplate,I have my popup. So let's say that you have 2 Labels to which you applied template above: <Label Content="A" x:Name="Label1"/> <Label Content="B" x:Name="Label2"/> an then in the code you can change Border. Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="PersonDataTemplate"> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Now I want to get the TextEditor textEditor in my code behind, because I need it for the "Intellisense Accessing a datatemplate control in WPF programmatically. Oct 31, 2011 · everyone, in WPF application I have the resource dictionary where is defined a lot of DataTemplates for controls and styles. Unfortunately, I have no idea how handle key press with a Command or how to set event handler from template. Ausstattung) of the DataContext of your data template, you should create another property say TextValue and have it two-way bound with the TextBox. In your case, this DataTemplate is telling WPF that anytime it needs to draw an object of type DataBoundMVVMChartViewModel, it should do so by using a DataBoundMVVMChart. Sample Code below: new DataTemplateKey(typeof(TargetViewModel)); Apr 12, 2011 · I am attempting to use code-behind to support an event handler in a DataTemplate. I found you add the ContentControl dynamically in code-behind. ContentTemplate; Then get the MediaElement from the DataTemplate : Jul 27, 2016 · Thanks man I am able to get into the if block after finding the element, but after changing some properties of the rectangle suppose rectangle. Pledge. Content is not the same, as setting ContentControl. That can be achieved using the DataTemplateSelector class which does exactly that select's a data template based on whatever criteria you set. . Pledge (or Family. Items) { //every item in your tree is a dockpanel var d = item Jan 23, 2018 · Currently I'm using a DataTemplateSelector to find the DataTemplates in my UserControl. Data templates in Avalonia can also target interfaces and derived classes (which cannot be done in WPF) and so the order of DataTemplates can be important: DataTemplates within the same collection are evaluated in declaration order so you need to place them from most-specific to least-specific as you would in code. You can search by finding the datatemplate key or in Blend just right click on the datatemplate and select View Xaml. The second Problem is in your Binding itself. This class is a deprecated way to programmatically create templates, which are subclasses of FrameworkTemplate such as ControlTemplate or DataTemplate; not all of the template functionality is available when you create a template using this class. So you can use this DataTemplate on every ViewModel that Implement the BaseViewModel. I've tried: <Grid. I can get the template in the code behind as : DataTemplate tmplt = FindResource("TestTemplate") as DataTemplate; but i am not sure what to do next. Usually, the WPF controls are declared in the . I have a data template such as: May 3, 2021 · I've seen some example of creating DataTemplate with StackPanel and deprecated FrameworkElementFactory. However, when I try to drag and drop the elements, I don't get the image object but the database component. SetBinding(ContentPresenter. Products Nov 4, 2014 · The datagrid column does not get added to the visual tree. The problem is that when I use data template created in code then when Flag property changed I get the following exception 'element' name cannot be found in the name scope of 'System. To get the ListViewItem, use the ListView's ItemContainerGenerator. Figure 4 shows a partial list of these controls and properties. xaml : <DataGrid > . I don't get a GotFocus/LostFocus event on the top-most element in the DataTemplate (a StackPanel) when clicking the ListBox item in question (only through tabbing), and I'm out of ideas. Also, the DataTemplate is compiled into BAML so it's not very accessible at runtime. More specifically, I have a custom button which I use in a datatemplate: <DataTemplate x:Key="SampleDataTemplate1"> <custom:SampleButton /> </DataTemplate> I use this in a listview to bind to a collection. Feb 21, 2017 · The WPF'y Way. g Button content ,TextBlock content etc. ContainerFromItem(KeywordsGrid. Then go to load event code. Content, But It's not a Control type, How to do this? <Window. Jul 20, 2017 · Okay, I figured out how to get this working I had to tweak the code that is posted in that MSDN article in the original question . Here's a more complete example: Main View Model. For your case there are two solutions that are much easier: triggers and converters. That makes it easier to read your code later on. Oct 6, 2011 · I have a listView that I construct at run-time, i. Your DataTemplate is displaying those properties. How Sep 24, 2012 · Each element needs to be added to the current visual tree. Oct 23, 2013 · I am trying to get my SelectedRadioButton from a DataTemplate. Resources> <DataTemplate Datatype="{x:Type local:Usercontrol1viewmodel}"> <view:MyUserControl1View/> </DataTemplate> </Window. If you need a single DataTemplate, then you can expose a property of type DataTemplate. Jul 27, 2015 · How to get DataTemplate to fill DataGridTemplateColumn. Nov 19, 2012 · <Window. FindName, where the templated parent is the ListViewItem generated by the ListView. Your data is displaying. ContentTemplate. Resources> But this doesn't work. Jun 13, 2016 · I have WPF ComboBox inside a data template (a lot of comboboxes in ListBox) and I want to handle enter button. DataGridRow row = (DataGridRow)(KeywordsGrid. Selected background is Silver. Download Sample (20K) Background. NET 3. It is explained in the MSDN article How to: Find DataTemplate-Generated Elements . Data Template Selector In WPF Oct 14, 2010 · Does anyone have a walk through/example/blog of how I can dynamically create the item template of an items control in the code behind? I have an object that has a dynamic number of properties and I'm needing to vary the output but I'm having difficulty getting started. E. Jul 1, 2023 · Like the shortcut, I define DataTemplate in the Window, and I want to get LogFilterItemEditor in C# code, I try to get DataTemplate. I thought that I should then traverse the structure to find the Image element. Wpf Inspector showed the Visual Tree: and in code: void menu_StatusGeneratorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) Dec 5, 2011 · A set this data template as ContentTemplate of a button. Column="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Elemen You need to get the template and locate the control by name on the templated control, something like: var template = MyList. Here how I get ItemIndex <ItemsControl> <ItemsControl. let us assume the following in your mainwindow <Window> <Window. ItemTemplate = dt; // Second: create and add the text box to the data template FrameworkElementFactory txtElement = new Jun 3, 2014 · Your control can expose its own property/properties, which you declare in your code-behind. Resources> <CollectionViewSource x:Key="ProductItems" Source="{Binding SelectedScanViewModel. <c:NameList x:Key="NameListData"/> <;DataTemplate x:Key=" Now, based on your code, when you assign an instance of MyViewModel to CurrentView WPF automatically applies the correct DataTemplate to the bound ContentControl: // A button is clicked CurrentView = new MyViewModel(); Assuming a second DataTemplate is declared you could have Border switch to MyView2 by just changing the value of CurrentView: May 30, 2011 · How can I change properties of some controls in DataTemplate that placed in resource from code? I use . However, there are times when they fall short - and initially when I was learning WPF I was disappointed by that. 8) using the code below Aug 21, 2012 · Creating WPF Data Templates in Code The Right Way. create a data template in XAML and load it on code behind 2. I needed to add the data template to the Applicaiton. Have a look at the documentation. You are binding like this: Text="{Binding roundedhourvalue} So WPF is expecting a property roundedhourvalue on obj. May 2, 2019 · is there a way to get the content inside the ContentPresenter in code behind ? I have this code in my code behind . If I was to create a data template with a button how can I write the event handler code for it's button click within the resource dictionary. This class is a deprecated way to programmatically create templates, which are subclasses of FrameworkTemplate such as ControlTemplate or DataTemplate; not all of the template functionality is available when you create a Mar 3, 2009 · If I try to do it in the code-behind, it doesn't seem like the event handler for the (n-instances of the) "Add Pledge" button can reference the controls in question; and in XAML, if I try to bind the ListBoxItem DataTemplate controls to the Family. It actually means whenever you see a MainViewModel just put MainWindow in the visual tree. Resources, but I want to move them into a ResourceDictionary. Assumed that your AutoScrollCarousel is derived from ItemsControl, you would get the ContentPresenter that is the container of an item like this: Jun 26, 2017 · in my WPF project I create a custom ListView in Code Behind. ContainerFromIndex, but it's returning ContentPresenter, while I would need to get my UserControl type, PlotterColetaCanalUnico. When I click on item, background changes. ContentControl. Dec 11, 2013 · Also there is no way to get x:Key from code behind. While writing large composite MVVM applications I found that I often create data templates that have only a single visual. g. The listbox items are styled in a DataTemplate based on a property on the parent ViewModel: <Style x:Key=" Dec 12, 2017 · Solution I found this post which helped me to bind the data template. <DataTemplate x:Key=" Jul 29, 2011 · I have a UserControl, called MyUserControl. Jan 11, 2016 · The problem is that setting ContentControl. How can I get the handle of such a control if it "resides" in the xaml file? Aug 2, 2011 · I do not like this way of doing things either but this actually is the recommended way, in the documentation of the FrameworkElementFactory the following can be found:. For example: ListView parentElement; // For example a ListView // First: create and add the data template to the parent control DataTemplate dt = new DataTemplate(typeof(TextBox)); parentElement. DataContext in ChatTextControl and send an event like this : Sep 8, 2011 · I wish to set the binding for txtBox in code behind before the element is generated because i have different binding paths for different elements that get generated . Jul 1, 2015 · The advantage of going this route, is tha tyou will be able to use the same helper to get other types of resources (like Brushes, or DataTemplate for example) public static class Helper { public static T Get<T>(string resourceName) where T : class { return Application. The most conveninent approach is to define the DataTemplate in XAML and get it in code when needed. ItemContainerGenerator. However, I can't see how to do it in my situation. 5, so DataTemplate doesn't have Template property. Defining a static DataTemplate in your object's XAML file is the customary way to approach this. I create the buttons based on a List of data. [MakeControl]? Aug 24, 2011 · I'm trying to implement the code below in my WPF project in order to generate DataTemplates on the fly for a DataGrid with dynamic columns. In the WPF designer, select the relevant control, or place the mouse cursor on the relevant control in the XAML. In your code, I don't see any data template creation by the way. I suppose your actual question is: how to bind a WPF's list view to a data table, right? – Jan 11, 2012 · In Visual Studio 2013, you can get the default ControlTemplate of a control in a few simple steps. It would be easy if it was e. Consider this code. Instead, they use a DataTemplateKey object which you get as follows var dataTemplateKey = new DataTemplateKey(dataItem. The property is displayed correctly, and now I need to access other properties of the same object from the view's code behind. Jan 14, 2014 · What I want to reach is that, Default item template have white background. There are at least two strategies for finding the binding's path. WPF - Find a Control from DataTemplate in WPF; You can also have a look at the dozens of posts here on SO issuing this topic for example. In this ListView is a column that contains a button, defined by a datatemplate in my resource dictionary. Jan 28, 2020 · I have a Data template with textboxes in my xaml which is getting data from an observablecollection. Dec 4, 2018 · How can i create the instance of control described by DataTemplate in code behind? I found a template in resource dictionary: var template = resourceDictionary["Button"] as DataTemplate; Now i want to create a control by using DataTemplate, but how? var control = template. I have a DataTemplate defined in a xaml file that I want to access via C# code. In this example, I fill a listbox with the numbers 1 to 9, using a DataTemplate defined in a ResourceDictionary. 2. Defining the Template in XAML. 0"></Image> </StackPanel . Jan 12, 2011 · If you have some boilerplate in XAML, you can use ContenPresenter as a sort of "macro" to expand your boilerplate in multiple places. Here's my code: XAML <StackP Mar 16, 2015 · There is a bug: if all your default styles are nested in merged dictionaries three levels deep (or deeper) the top dictionary does not get flagged so the search skips it. Mar 3, 2020 · FrameworkElementFactory:. GetType()); var hdt = (HierarchicalDataTemplate)MainTreeView. FirstOrDefault()) fields, those fields are still empty when I look at the Dec 15, 2013 · I'm trying to create multiple button with text underneath and have them added to a Stackpanel in code during runtime. Jan 22, 2012 · DataTemplates are an extremely powerful part of WPF, and by using them, you can abstract all sorts of display code. There is one more option that you can try: Jul 15, 2012 · How to access the elements inside wpf datagrid column header template through code? there is a solution,but i couldn't make it work. After talking throug… How to get Children Objects of a DataTemplate through the use of ContentControl. Mode = BindingMode. Dec 7, 2018 · I could not verify the answer of mm8 because of the reason put in my comment, so here is the solution that I found. The below code works fine when it is the code-behind for a Window, but not for a ResourceDictionary. Red, these changes are not reflected back. I have a button in my DataTemplate, that when clicked, needs a reference to the member of the ObservableCollection it's part of the DataTemplate for. Mar 21, 2014 · If you absolutely must, you can use DataTemplate. 0. It is used like this: <cc:LabeledComboBox HeaderLabelContent="Months" ItemsSource="{Binding AllMonths}" SelectedValue="{ Jun 17, 2013 · In case of ControlTemlate it will be templated control and for DataTemplate it will be ContentPresenter used to generate content. 2*" for the Column using this DataTemplate and then remove fixed width specifications from your Datatemplate all-together. Windows. Jun 12, 2017 · You can use the following function to get the Visual Child of a WPF control: Selecting TabItem from code-behind when tabs use a DataTemplate. BorderBrush like this: What is the solution to apply the Background, BorderBrush and Foreground style to the <Label> within the DataTemplate? Thank you in advance. Download DataTemplateManager. You can get the DataTemplate by Key and then access it in your code behind file. WPF C#: Access the children of a button in the code behind. Also i would recommend binding the Button. here's the code: Toolbox: Edit: According to the documentation FrameworkElementFactory is deprecated: This class is a deprecated way to programmatically create templates, which are subclasses of FrameworkTemplate such as ControlTemplate or DataTemplate; not all of the template functionality is available when you create a template using this class. ToString() method. For this scenario, the better way is use VisualTreeHelper to find the child. Here's the MainWindow. For the Tenant under Lease section I want to have a DataTemplate with a Grid with two columns and two TextBlocks (one for Name and the other for… TextBlock text = new TextBlock(); DataTemplate template = new DataTemplate(); Now I need to add TextBlock to DataTemplate. Oct 15, 2013 · Then get the DataTemplate from the ContentPresenter: DataTemplate yourDataTemplate = contentPresenter. let buildView()=StackPanel() //Build it with natural code type MyView()=inherit UserControl(Content=buildView()) let factory=FrameworkElementFactory(typeof<MyView>) let template=DataTemplate(VisualTree=factory) let list=ItemsControl(ItemsSource=makeData(),ItemTemplate=template) Using DataTemplate in Code. The answer to the linked question explains that the value set in the C# code has a higher priority, and a better approach would be to specify the default value in the dependency property's metadata. DataTemplate objects don't use DataType for their default key like Style objects do. xaml files and not in the code behind (. I am having troubles on a column that I want to be displayed at a textblock when not editing, Mar 1, 2015 · I will say if your DataTemplate is generic: i. DataTemplate'. Aug 26, 2011 · I have a DataTemplate defined as follows <DataTemplate x:Key="PasswordViewerTemplate"> <StackPanel> <TextBlock Text="{Binding PasswordChar, ElementName=this}" Jun 2, 2019 · Your command should get executed provided that the CheckBoxIsChecked property belongs to the data object where the Value and Active properties are defined. Mar 1, 2015 · I will say if your DataTemplate is generic: i. Sep 11, 2014 · Just define a DataTemplate for that particular column and I'd use that to define the view of my column. GenerateEditingElement(cell, dataItem); element. ContentPresenter templateParent = GetFrameworkElementByName<ContentPresenter>(listViewItem); and inside my templateParent have the content as shown below. Aug 20, 2014 · I usually instantiate my DataTemplateSelector from code behind with the UserControl as parameter in the constructor of the DataTemplateSelector, like so: May 4, 2013 · So, to get a named element in the DataTemplate you have to first get the generated item, and then search inside that generated item for the element you want. I have written the below code in file say for example Sample. xaml, Local resources in xaml files and dedicated resource file). here; here; here; here; here; here; here; here Sep 7, 2011 · Is it possible to set code behind a resource dictionary in WPF for event handling? Wpf DataTemplate Event Handlers. WPF - Retrieve Child DataTemplate Control From Custom ListBoxItem. I am using ItemContainerGenerator. If it belongs to the view model, you could bind to it using a RelativeSource: Maybe this will help: Find a WPF element inside DataTemplate in the code-behind or otherwise: In order to find the item you could do something like this maybe: public void SelectNodeById(TreeView Tree) { var item = findItemById(Tree, "uid"); } private static object findItemById(TreeView Tree, string uid) { foreach (var item in Tree. In my code behind, I use: <local:LabelTemp x:Key="labelTemplate"/> <DataTemplate x:Key="labelTemp"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource labelTemplate},Path=Item. a key in a DataTemplate is of type on C# (Desktop WPF W/ . Feb 26, 2014 · Inspired by Sisyphe's answer, I found this more portable solution: public class DataGridBoundTemplateColumn : DataGridTemplateColumn { public string BindingPath { get; set; } protected override FrameworkElement GenerateEditingElement(DataGridCell cell, object dataItem) { var element = base. create and add using XamlParser If for whatever reason you need to create a DataTemplate programmatically you would do:. LoadContent method) when needed. com May 29, 2014 · How to properly create WPF Data Tempaltes in code. Current. Second you cannot add a Window class as a child to another Visual. In XAML, I have: <DataTemplate x:Key="AgeItemTemplate"> <Border BorderThickness="0,0,0,0" BorderBrush="#6FBDE8"> <TextBlock Margin="2" Text="{Binding Age}" Code behind, showing how to get the text directly by traversing the visual tree: Obtain the value from textbox inside of a DataTemplate (WPF) 0. Command to an ICommand on your data/view-model (see MVVM) instead of using events, then you are in the right context already and the view does not need to do anything. For the Tenant under Lease section I want to have a DataTemplate with a Grid with two columns and two TextBlocks (one for Name and the other for… Jul 27, 2016 · If you need to change something in a DataTemplate then bind the respective properties and modify the underlying data. This is what my XAML looks like: <DataTemplate x:Key="DetailTemplate"> <StackPanel Orientation=" Dec 23, 2015 · There's a separation between the code and the XAML, and, code-wise, it's not immediately obvious where to start looking. Also, the example Microsoft provides for DataTemplate. LoadContent() is nifty for showing how to switch templates dynamically at run-time (see DataTemplate. Feb 3, 2016 · In the application resources will be maintained in different location (App. All you have to do is recreate this: <DataTemplate> <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Name}" ContentTemplate="{StaticResource ItemDisplayTemplate}" /> </DataTemplate> Oct 31, 2012 · WPF provides a simple and straightforward way to access named elements that are generated from DataTemplates. What am I missing here? Apr 15, 2014 · I named this question of mine Part II since I've already asked a similar but simpler question about creating an ItemTemplat for ListBox in WPF in here Create ItemTemplate for ListBox in code-beind Jan 30, 2017 · You should also start to give your variables and properties meaningful names. Triggers. For example in the following situation: <UserControl> <;UserControl. You can use a trigger inside the DataTemplate. For example <DataTemplate x:Key="PriceColumnCellTemplate"> Sep 30, 2013 · This thumb is used inside a custom control slider. How you would access template column content using code. But when I'm doing it from code, listview have selected item (checked that, selected index = 0, selectetitem != null), but item get style from non-selected item. DataContext. While template written Mar 20, 2016 · <DataTemplate x:Key="ActivationLevelTemplate"> <view:ConceptActivationView Height="50"/> </DataTemplate> In this view there is a text block, bound to a property of an object from the collection mentioned above. myxaml. So my question is, how can I access the grid inside the datatemplate from code behind, to get my storyboard run? Here is my code: XAML: Feb 12, 2013 · Each ListBoxItem is displayed with a DataTemplate. Press F4 to open the Properties Window. Mar 2, 2016 · I try to dynamically create and assign a DataTemplate to a HeaderTemplate of DataGrid through code. xaml. Please note, I dont want to access the visual tree of an itemscontrol that uses this DataTemplate. However, DataContext is null. udrg ynafu auhzie onxvlcpr gyjdlk iddesxvj qeqsbj zymrnwz vsfkoqt ocxgpx